Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- Younan Yalda(7th/Sweeden),Jirjes Yousif Maro (40th\Alkosh), Kamel Shamoon Pola(40th\ Vergenia),Sahira Bashie (40th),Sabhan Hayder Jarbo (40th),Badriya Putrus Yousif (year).
- We pray for Fadie Bameko and his wife Rita for their 15 year’s marriage anniversary.
- We pray for Julius Dallo and his wife Bavaria for their 4 year’s marriage anniversary.
- Daily Masses are at 10am, Monday in Arabic, the rest of the week in Chaldean and on Wednesday evening at 6pm for adoration and confessions and Mass in English at 7pm.
- This Tuesday is the feast of Mary Queen of the Univers. We will have two Masses followed by procession, at 10am in Chaldean and English, 7pm in Arabic and Chaldean.
- Mark your Calendar for our church festival is on Sunday July 24th 3-8 pm on church grounds. We will have Dj, Raffel tickets, petting zoo for children, youth activities, Chaldean and American food and many more stuff if you would like to sponsor or donate contact church office.
- Please help us keep the Church clean at all times.
- We ask you to silence your phones and let us prepare ourselves for the Lord.