Mass Readings
first Sunday of Qodasha
Isaiah  6:1-13  1 Corinthians  12:28-13:13    Matthew 16:13-19
  • We pray for the soul of Deacon Hannanie Jirjis Delly(7th/Arizona) brother of the late Cardinal Emannuel Delly
  • Mike Habeb Salmo, Funeral prayers Monday 10 am at Mother of God Church.
  • Sami Dawood Rabbanetha, Funeral prayers Monday 12 noon at Mother of God Church.
  • Ghanim Shaba, Funeral prayers Monday 12 noon at St. Thomas Church.
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year

Rafka Jajo(7th/Iraq),Sam Hawa (7th/Austria), Sahar Sabh Almalih (7th/Sweden), Fouad Sito (40th),Madlin Zora (40th), Mukhlas Elias Jaadan(40th),Saeed Faranse Kisto(40th), *Jonathan Zetona (year) ,Andrios Danial (year).


  • This Tuesday, November 3rd is the Presidential Election – we encourage you to go out and vote and to join us as we pray for our country. On Tuesday we will have Eucharistic Adoration from 3-9pm in the Church. We will begin with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3pm and continue with silent adoration unitl 9pm.
  • Soldiers of Christ Men’s Group meets this Wednesday, November 4th at 8pm. Every Wednesday we also have confessions at 6pm and Mass in English at 7pm.
  • We challenge all men to join us this Friday, November 6th at 6am for adoration and confessions!
  • Registrations for online Catechism at has begun for 1st through 8th Grade. Catechism Classes this year will consists of online videos which can be found on our YouTube page. Go to St. George’s website and click the Catechism tab to register.