April 16 , 2023
The new sunday: Divine Mercy Sunday
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- (7th) Edward Shammo Shammo (died in turkey) (7th) Dina Indiana Benyamin (died in Sweden) (7th) Faraj Shamoun Sako, (7th) Akram Elia Yakoob, (7th)Yako Ishak Ramo Banna,(7th) Roxy (7th)Hermiz Khona,
- (40th) Kamil ilano
- (the 1 Year) Shafeek Shamo Bashi , Senham Hider Jarbou, Raheel Danyal
We pray for Carl & Sanaa Dallo for their 33 years wedding anniversary.
We Pray For Jamal & Salwa Sabbagh for their 53 years wedding anniversary
- This coming Sunday is the feast of St. George, we ask you all to keep your priests and all volunteers of our beautiful church in your prayers. Our Parish is celebrating the Festival of St. George on July 23 Please mark your calendars.
- We will have a meeting for Altar Servers on Friday, April 21st at 6PM inside of the Church. Any kids who wish to serve the Altar must attend this meeting. Only kids who are aged 12, 13, and 14 are allowed to serve. Kids who will be turning 12 years old this year may attend this meeting as well.
- Our mom’s group Yumutha will be hosting a event on Friday April 28 at skate world in Troy, from 5:15-7:15 Venmo the church to purchase tickets and check out their Instagram for more information.
- St. George will have a summer school for grades k-5th focusing on Math & Reading for more information call the church office, registrations will be in person on May 5 & 6
- Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors, you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
- Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord