February 12, 2023
 7th Sunday of Denha


  • (7th) Zuhair Saleem Naiiar
  • (40th) Taleb Adou, Nacem Habeeb Kaha
  • (1 Year)Muna Abed Putrus. Azaria Dawood, Talal Najee Sito ,Fadhela Goriyal Odo, Madlin Hanna Mezo, Mona Abed Putrus, Azeria Dawood.

* we pray for Ezat and Suham Hnosh for their 49th Weding Anuvercery


  • This Friday is the Deceased Faithful we have mass at 10am in mixed languages (Chaldean, Arabic and English). Deceased faithful friday is a special day of rememberance and prayers our deceased loved ones.

  • Also this Friday Abouna Fawaz will be giving a talk at 7pm in Arabic on Lent and the importance of fasting.

  • Our moms group yumutha are having a event “faith of our fathers” for fathers & their children to attend please check our church website and office to purchase tickets

  • Our men’s group will be meeting this Wednesday at 7:30 for men 18 and up.

  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors, you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

  • Also by the Request of Bishop Francis there’s a second collection by the exit doors for Syria and Turkey.

  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord