7th Sunday of Denha by Steve Kassab | Feb 11, 2023 February 12, 2023 7th Sunday of Denha MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE OCCASIONS OF 7TH, 40TH & YEAR (7th) Zuhair Saleem Naiiar (40th) Taleb Adou, Nacem Habeeb Kaha (1 Year)Muna Abed Putrus. Azaria Dawood, Talal Najee Sito ,Fadhela Goriyal Odo, Madlin Hanna Mezo, Mona Abed Putrus, Azeria Dawood. * we pray for Ezat and Suham Hnosh for their 49th Weding Anuvercery Announcements This Friday is the Deceased Faithful we have mass at 10am in mixed languages (Chaldean, Arabic and English). Deceased faithful friday is a special day of rememberance and prayers our deceased loved ones. Also this Friday Abouna Fawaz will be giving a talk at 7pm in Arabic on Lent and the importance of fasting. Our moms group yumutha are having a event “faith of our fathers” for fathers & their children to attend please check our church website and office to purchase tickets Our men’s group will be meeting this Wednesday at 7:30 for men 18 and up. Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors, you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com Also by the Request of Bishop Francis there’s a second collection by the exit doors for Syria and Turkey. Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord