(7th) Dr. Sahar George Shammas Zaytona (Holland)(7th) Abdullah Toma Shaouni (Germany)(7th)
(40th) Najib Mansoor (40th) Nahida Fachou (40th) Samry Mezoo Hadad (40) Harby Joka Hammo (40th)
There are no morning masses this Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday The clergy will be on a retreat please keep them and the church in your prayers.
The Assumption masses this week are Wednesday Assumption Eve English Mass at, Thursday masses 10 am in chaldean and 7pm in Arabic. All Masses are followed by a procession.
Yumutha is hosting the Assumption for children on Friday August 16 all families are welcomed, a rosary at 6pm followed by a procession & fellowship
Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.
Akram Shaouni & parents, Amira Mamou & parents, Manhal Kirma, Jessica Hanna, Sana Dallo, Marco Yousif, Salim & Tawitha Kirma, The Mamou Family, Alina Ayar. Holy souls, Wadi Sokana Philip Hermiz & Family and Sameer Polus & Family. Putrus & Najiba Haba, Lemon & Kepton & Wife, Anwar Habba & sister & grandkids & families. Akram Shaouni & parents, Xander Alkasmikha, Ilham Mansour, Masoud Jamil Kas-Mikha, special intentions. Justine Mordine, Isaac & Reem & Adil & Hayatt Koja, Najib George, Elishwa Jabiru, Margarette Bajoka Haisha, Hermes family. Special intentions, alexandra yousif & family, yousif & maria marogy & all souls of purgatory. The whole world. Special intentions and healing. Andraws, pauly hazem, reego, putros Deeno & Yousif, Naima, Ibrahim, Asead Ibrahim.