August 11, 2024*  
6th Sunday of Summer


  • (7th) Dr. Sahar George Shammas Zaytona (Holland)(7th) Abdullah Toma Shaouni (Germany)(7th)
  • (40th) Najib Mansoor (40th) Nahida Fachou (40th) Samry Mezoo Hadad (40) Harby Joka Hammo (40th)


  • There are no morning masses this Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday The clergy will be on a retreat please keep them and the church in your prayers.
  • The Assumption masses this week are Wednesday Assumption Eve English Mass at, Thursday masses 10 am in chaldean and 7pm in Arabic. All Masses are followed by a procession. 
  • Yumutha is hosting the Assumption for children on Friday August 16  all families are welcomed, a rosary at 6pm followed by a procession & fellowship 
  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at
  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.

Akram Shaouni & parents, Amira Mamou & parents, Manhal Kirma, Jessica Hanna, Sana Dallo, Marco Yousif, Salim & Tawitha Kirma, The Mamou Family, Alina Ayar. Holy souls, Wadi Sokana Philip Hermiz & Family and Sameer Polus & Family. Putrus & Najiba Haba, Lemon & Kepton & Wife, Anwar Habba & sister & grandkids & families. Akram Shaouni & parents, Xander Alkasmikha, Ilham Mansour, Masoud Jamil Kas-Mikha, special intentions. Justine Mordine, Isaac & Reem & Adil & Hayatt Koja, Najib George, Elishwa Jabiru, Margarette Bajoka Haisha, Hermes family. Special intentions, alexandra yousif & family, yousif & maria marogy & all souls of purgatory. The whole world. Special intentions and healing. Andraws, pauly hazem, reego, putros Deeno & Yousif, Naima, Ibrahim, Asead Ibrahim.