March 17, 2024*  
6th Sunday of Sawma Rabah

Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year
  • Mukhlus Jirges Kirma (7th) Mazin Salim Katoula (Baghdad) (7th) Alonzo Cummings (7th) Samir Malan (Arizona)(7th).
  • Waseem Adeeb Mansour Alsanaty (France) (40th) Samira Mansour Mera (40th) Harbi Petros Allos (40th) Milad Noel Bahina (40th) Nazar Krikor (40th) Jameel Hermiz Baharee (40th) Ameera Zaki Shahooma(40th).
  • Farouq Hanna Mansur (1yr) Abed Jirjees Batto (1yr) Romel Sagmani (1yr) Elishwa Oshana Toma (1 yr) Sabriya Pattah Attiq (1yr) Saida Gorya Hamo (1yr).

 Occasion this Sunday

We pray for Carl & Janna Barash for their 42 year marriage anniversary. 


  • Summer Camp registrations begin this Monday ONLINE only Grades (Kindergarten through 8th grade). Please visit the church website to register at
  • This Tuesday is St. Joseph feast day, chaldean mass will be at 10am. 
  • Every Friday during lent schedule, mass starts at 6:30 am in English followed by adoration from 7 to 10 am, then 10 am Chaldean mass followed by stations. And 5pm kids stations. 6:30 pm  
Arabic stations and 8pm English Stations. 
  • We will celebrate Palm Week next week. Saturday mass at 4 pm for kids. Sunday masses as follow:
  1. 8:30am English mass 
  2. 10 am Arabic mass
  3. 11:45 English mass
  4. 1:15 Chaldean mass
  5. Adding 5pm (English- chaldean) mass
  6. 7pm English mass
  •  Confession Times

  1. Wednesday, March 20 from 6-9pm @ St. George 
  2. Monday, March 25 from 6-9pm @ Holy Martyrs
  3. Wednesday, March 27 from 6-9pm @ St. Joseph
  • Holy week schedule is available on our social media and the lobby.
  • Calling all parishioners to Join our Parish’s official Telegram Channel to stay connected. Our parish council members will be in the lobby after mass to help you get set up.
  • Would like to ask you please not to clap during masses. 
  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at
  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.
Weekly Masses
Essa Awsajee & wife Katrina. Philip Hermiz & family. Taleb Adou, Jakleen & Simon,Toma Kanna and wife Anisa & son Adel & Juliet & Hanna. Raheem Bahri & Haitham & Harry Bahri. Sabah Manour Sharak. Special intentions. Korkis Kashat & Family, Toma Hermize. Toma Abbo, healing for Jennifer Nelson and Jessica Hanna, Rox Bodi,