6th Sunday of Sawma
March 26, 2023
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- (7th) Sabria Pattah Ateeq (7th) Wadia Mrogy Kesto
- (40th) Mario Zoma Kesto (40) Laya Hermiz Shamaan
- (1 Year) Maggie Hesano
We pray for Elias & Marcella Bahri for their 2 years wedding anniversary.
We pray for Sam & Faiza Mansour for their 47 years wedding anniversary
- In preparation for Holy week and Easter we will have confessions on Wednesday 3/29
- 6-9pm. We also have a night of Hymns and Mediaitions with Abouna Fawaz and the Choir in Chaldean and Arabic on Thursday 3/30 at 7 pm in chaldean and arabic finally mark your calendars for The passion play, it will be on Wednsday 4/5 at 7pm in Arabic we hope to see you there.
- Chaldean Catholic Charities of America are with us today. Please see the volunteers at the Church entrance after mass if you feel the calling to contribute to this great humanatarian effort.
- Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors, you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com