Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year
Danny Polus Solkareem (7th) Baseema Sulaiman Sulkareem (7th) Saida Sulkareem (7th) Faiza Michayel (7th) Leon zaya hanna (7th) (Turkey) Souad Kannouna Kirma (7th) Sami Peter Kuza (CA) Sujad Kirma Kanounou (7th) Bihnam Matti Gewarges (AZ) (7th) Basima Mikha Mooshi (7th) Gorjea Kenaya (7th) Sara Putris Jabou (7th) Jalal Issa Koja (7th)
(40th) Gilou Mattia (40th) Mari Jabirou (40th) Owni Aziz Kejbou (40th) Wadia Azzo konja (40th)
(1 yr) Faiza George (1yr) Oliver Sameer Khudher (1 yr)
This upcoming Thursday,is the Feast of the Ascension (Sulaqa) May 9 Masses are 10a.m. Chaldean, 6pm. English, 7:15 pm. Arabic/Chaldean
We are excited to announce the Saint George Dragonslayers Football team for all boys between the ages of 6 – 13. Our mission is to build our young boys into strong, disciplined Catholic Christian men through the sport of football. Join us during our information night next Saturday, May 11 at 5pm in the Church basement.
Chaldean Catholic Charities of America are with us this Sunday. Please see the volunteers at the Church entrance after mass.
Would like to ask you please not to clap during all masses.
Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at
Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.
Weekly Masses
Rosa Oraha Jirjees.Poor souls of portugury. Hania & Francis Kama, Naima & Asofie mansour. Kamil kamchi, jonathan mscabo, jirjis & majid batti, ban sesi farida, Pamela citan, lauri shaoony, Alysia Baydoon, Abdulmaseeh Gorgies Battah, Josephine Kookton & Family, Mari Kookton, Nadia KAssab, Anwar Haba & Family, All sisters, Grandchildren, Anwars mother & Father.