June 23, 2024*  
6th Sunday of Apostles 

Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7
th, 40th & Year

  • Julee Habee Joulagh (California) (7th) Behija Toma Kirma (7th)Radhwan Nooh Shaba (7th). 
  •  Hirmiz Patrus (40th) Thia Habeeb Shina ( 40th) 
  • Senaa Dallo (1 yr) Suhaila Savaya Daddo (1year). 

Occasions this Sunday:

  • We pray for Decan Amir & Nidhal Bahri for their 50 years marriage anniversary
  • We pray for Nibras & Rita Hanna for their 24 years marriage anniversary


  • The annual parish festival is on Sunday July 28 ! please visit the church website for vendor or sponsor opportunities
  • We ask you to please lower the kneeler to the ground gently.
  • Families that had children in communion this past May pictures are ready for pickup please visit parish council office after mass.
  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.

Weekly Masses

  • Philip Hermiz & Family and Sameer Polus & Family. Putrus & Najiba Haba, Anwar Habba & Sister & Grandkids & families. Akram Shaouni & parents, Amira Mamou & parents, Manhal Kirma, Jessica HannaSana Dallo, Maro Yousif, Salim & Tawitha Kirma, Mamou Family, yousif Ishak Killu, Yousif Kharat, Habib & Jamila Sheena, Thia Ezat, Zuhair, Alvin, Special Intention, Nakia Sitto & Khalid & Ban Sitto, Garmo Katto & Wife Fathila, Alina Ayar Holy souls. Younan Habib Shamoon Daman. Baby Royal for healing from burn. Masoud Kas-Mikha