- Jamal Botani Abro, Funeral Mass Monday 10 am at Mother of God Church.
- Niran Iskander Asmaro, Funeral Mass Monday 10 am at Sacred Heart Church.
- Baheja Danial Sha’aya Alkas Hanna, Funeral Mass Monday 12 Pm at Sacred Heart Church.
- Yousif Sadiq Khober died in Arizona.
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- Suaad Ya’akob Kadrie (7th/Iraq), Kamal Ishaq Istefam Rais (7th), Morees Okar Abona(7th), Isa Micko Maya(Iraq/7th), Saad Salim Halabo (7th), Thahi Abro(7th), Sami Zora(7th),yousif Khubier(7th/Arezona), Roy Dinha(40th), Katrina Orow Polis Kasha (40th), Duraid Amer Shamoon (40th), Khalida Bakal Khimmorow (40th), Samria Kachocha (year), Falah Shaba(year), Nasor Mona(year),Wadiah Ishak Hormiz(year),Sawa Sawa (year),Gorget Isho(year),Patros Yako Michaeel(year),Maser Mare Evette Latifa Talia(year),Laheb Yousif Barbat(year),
- We pray for Sami Herfy and his wife Lameaa for their 45 year’s marriage anniversary.
- Please join Fr. Fadie Gorgies this Monday at 7pm in our church basement for a talk on his experience with prison ministry.
- Francis has decalred the year of 2022 as the year of the Eucharist. Our Eucharist Retreat in English hosted by ECRC will be this Wednesday, March 30 – the evening will begin with confessions and adoration @ 6pm, Mass @ 7pm, presentations @ 8pm followed by food and fellowship.
- We would like to challenge all of our parishioners this Lent to join us every Friday for an early morning Mass in English at 6:30am followed by adoration! Also every Friday of Lent we have Chaldean Mass at 10am followed by Stations of the Cross in Chaldean, 6pm Stations of the Cross in Arabic, and 7:30pm Stations of the Cross in English.
- Yumutha would like to invite all families and kids to join us every Thursday this Lent for a special stations of the cross for kids! We will begin our prayer of the stations at 5:30pm in the Church
- Please help us keep the Church clean at all times.
- We ask you to silence your phones and let us prepare ourselves for the Lord.