March 10, 2024*  
5th Sunday of Sawma Rabah

Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year
The funeral mass for Mukhlis Kurma this Tuesday at st. George Church at 10am.
  • (7th) Phillip Gorgis Soso (7th) Youhanna Odisho (Jordan)(7th)Mamosh Shango Yono (7th) Sabah Jihad (7th) Victoria Dawood Al- Saoor. 

  • (40th) Samira Shaeena Salman (40th) Steven Sabri Shamoon Naamo (40th)Salem Lewis Essa. (40th) Arkan philip Qenaya.

  • (1yr) Hanaa Hermiz Shamoon Askaro (1yr) Linda Hermiz Shamoon Askaro. (1yr) Taleb Adou (1 yr) Farida Barkho Yousif (1yr) Kameela Katoula (1yr) Johnny Hermiz Karoomi (1 yr) Edwar shamo shamo (1yr) Eliizabeth sabbagh 



      • Every Friday during lent schedule, mass starts at 6:30 am in English followed by adoration from 7 to 10 am, then 10 am Chaldean mass followed by stations. And 5pm kids stations. 6:30 pm  
      Arabic stations and 8pm English Stations. 
      • We ask you please not to clap during masses. 
      • New Mass Times STARTING PALM SUNDAY:
      1. 11:30am moves to 11:45am English
      2. 1:00pm moves to 1:15pm Chaldean
      3. 7:30pm moves to 7pm English
      • Holy week schedule is available on our church social media and the lobby.

      • Calling all parishioners to Join our Parish’s official Telegram Channel to stay connected. 
      Our parish council members will be in the lobby after mass to help you get set up.
      • Chaldean Convention registration is open to get more information visit the website +
      • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at
      • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.
Weekly Masses
Essa Awsajee & wife Katrina. Philip Hermiz & family.  Amira Zeki Shamoon, Israel himendi, dawood youry, sabah metti. Tom Zaker.  Sabah kama (surgery). poor souls of portugury. Hania & Francis Kama, Naima & Asofie mansour. Kamil kamchi, jonathan mscabo, jirjis & majid batti, ban sesi farida, pamela citan, lauri shaoony, Alysia Baydoon, Martin Awidish, Aliz Telya, Joseph Hababa, George Wered, Alexandra Odish, Special Int.,Jakleen & Simon, Shamasha Basil Eliya, Lydia Elia, Katrina Paulis Kiryakos. Jessica Hanna.