5th  Sunday of Qeta
  • Roza Talia Kajal, Funeral Prayers Monday 10 am at Mother of God Church.
  • Anir Giorgees Alsafo, Funeral Prayers Monday 10 am at Oure lady of Perpetual Help.
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
  • Anthony Orow(7th), Nameer Ghanim Mirza (7th/Iraq), Sameer Khamie(7th/Iraq), Asaad Hazim Alharraq7th/Iraq Noria Dallo(7th/Australia), Faraj Ablahad Mansour Sarsimo(7th), Vergeen Kalasho Bacal (40th ),Ammar Youhanna Aldawoody(40th), Saad Sarhan (40th), Salim Jabiro( Year ) Intisar kassab Jabiro (year), Yousif Mansour Dinha(year).
  • Doc summer Night for High School Youth is on Tuesday August 23rd @7pm
  • Soldiers for Christ Men’s Group BBQ & Fellowship (18+) Wed, August 24th @7pm
  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all the exit doors, you may also participate in the collection electronically on our website at stgeorgechaldean.com 
  • Please keep the church clean at all times 
  • Now we ask you to please silence your phones and let us prepare ourselves for the Lord