June 16, 2024*
5th Sunday of Apostles
Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year
Yaqoo Yousif Polo (Netherlands) (7th) Wadia Katulla Talya (San Diego)(7th) Aghata Iskander Goro (7th)
Mukhlus Al Taweel (1yr) Bernadette Metti Tomina (AU) (1 yr)
Dinkha Somo Isho( 1yr)
Occasions this Sunday:
We pray for Hassan and Taghrid Yono for their 38 years marriage anniversary
Per Bishops Francis’s Request there will be a second collection for the Home mission appeal.
Families that had children in communion this past May pictures are ready for pickup please visit parish council office after mass.
We will have an altar server meeting on Friday June 21 at 6pm.. All current servers as well as any children who wish to begin serving the altar must attend this meeting. Only kids ages 12,13 or 14 may serve. Kids who will be turning 12 in 2024 may attend this meeting.
The annual parish festival is on Sunday July 28 ! Please visit the church website for vendor or sponsor opportunities.
We ask you to please lower the kneeler to the ground gently.
Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.
Weekly Masses
- Putros Kalasho, Hermiz Hana, Abeed, George, Masoud & Dhia Kalasho, Shamasha Shamaya Kalasho, Jerjis Miskena, Elias AlBakal, Salem Hallak, Jalal Hermiz, Hanna Brahim, Ismael Mati, Waleed & Emjed Zaitouna, Gorgeous Okka Jarbo, Suham Yousif Denha Jarbo, Philip Hermiz & Family and Sameer Polus & Family. Putrus & Najiba Haba, Anwar Habba & sister & grandkids & families. Akram Shaouni & parents, Amira Mamou & parents, Manhal Kirma, Jessica Hanna, Sana Dallo, Marco Yousif, Salim & Tawitha Kirma, Mamou Family, George Dawood Doha, Dawood Doha, Elias Dona, Behjet Shemas ,Sabri Saiid Saffo son Waleed & daughter nagham Saffo, Izet Hermiz Herfy and wife Basima Herfy. Tony & his father George Eid for fathers day, Sabri & Najiba Hubba, Sabri, Mary, Nedhal Hubba, Adelina Shammami, Salma, yakob, bashar yono & toma Abbo. luly, francisco, cristina, arhely, tania, simone, becca, elisa, carmen, gabrielle, santos, luly, talia, francisco, josette, zaira.