•  June 25 2023 * 5th Sunday of Shleehe

     Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year

    • (7th)  Jajjou Benu Shaba Alsaffar (Iraq)(7th) Jarjees Isho Kermaza (Australia), (7th)Ameera Hermiz Shabilla (7th) Matron Jack Is-Hek (Ankawa)
    • (40 th) Rahani Jarbo (40th) Oliver Khubeir 
    • (1 Year) Georgette Shina (1 year) Saad Sarhan (1 Year) Wedu Sivan Zaytoona


    • Catechism registrations will be available this Tuesday, June 28 the registrations are online only through the church’s website www.stgeorgechaldean.com for grades 1st-8th spots are limited.

    • Saturday, July 1st, is the ordination of Deacon Namir to the priesthood at 11am at Mother of God church,  Please pray for him.

    • The church will be closed July 10, July 11, July 12. Church and chapel will be closed as well as the office,. 

    • Please mark your calendars for St. George Festival on Sunday, July 23rd, from 1-7 pm to sponsor the festival.

    • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

    • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.


    Weekly Masses

    Special intention, Lilliana, Jessica Cancer, Wafi Roumaya, Jajjo & Samira & Norman Rajjo Orow, Mary & Odish Garmo, Emmanuel Shamoon, Francis Matty, Saleem & Suad Yaldo, Hassin & Shamoo Bakal, Rsho Tobyia & Eshio Hermiz, Shamas Bahin & Tomas Bahin, Jameel Salman Estiphan, Yousif Adam & Jajo Hermiz, Hanna Kosho & Samira, Saleem Polus & Marqo Shanna, Amer Dawood, Gorgees Shamoon, Andrawis Shamoon, Khami Shamoon, (shebib, Najib, Jason, Yousif Jarbo & family, Najib), Mansour Rabban & Family.