4th Sunday of Subara

Genesis 24:50-67 Ephesians 5: 5 – 21 Matthew1:18-25

Naeem Abro (7th), tazia will be at St. Joseph 3-7.

Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Khalida Fadhel Mahfodh (7th/Lebanon), Amjad Thomas (7th), Bara’a Bachory (40th), Magdonia Alias Na’alo (year), Hayat Salman Hanno (year),

We pray for Alias and Sabah Kize for their 44 year’s marriage anniversary.

We pray for Awny and Linda Murad for their 30 year’s marriage anniversary.

We pray for Emad and Rita Baho for their 24 year’s marriage anniversary.

We will have our Christmas and New Years party on December 28th at Palazzo Grande for more info call the church office. Representatives will be in the lobby today selling party tickets and raffle tickets for the party.

The weekly envelopes for 2020 are ready to be picked up from the parish council office.

Calender’s for the year 2020 are available at the gift shop.

Masses schedule for Christmas, New Years and Baptisms are on the bulletin board in the lobby.