Wadeaa Miyo, funeral prayers Monday 12:00 Noon at Mother of God Church.
Faisal Abbo Al Rubaan, funeral prayers Monday 12:00 Noon at St Joseph Church.
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Sahira Shango Al-Kas Shamoon (7th/California),Anesa Sadiq Sorow (7th), Khaton Mosa Marogy(40th),  Mariam Eliya(40th),Jaklen Sadiq Yaldiko (40th),Manoel Khammo Kaje (40th),Samer Polis(40th), Saad Joseph Toma (year),Barbara Zora Mansour(year),Nooh Odesho Somo(year),Nash Bakhtia (year), Shokrya Rabin Zamman(year), Shamoon Rais (year),Amera Manny Kallabat (year),
We pray for Awny Murad  and his wife Linda  for their 32  year’s marriage anniversary.
Tuesday, December 21st we will have confessions available in the Church with multiple priests from 6-9pm and meditations and prayers in English from 7-8:30pm. 

Wednesday, December 22nd will be our Christmas Play in Arabic at 7pm in the Church. We will not have our usual adoration or confessions this coming Wednesday. 

Our Christmas Mass Schedule is as follows: Christmas Eve December 24 – 1pm Chaldean, 3pm English, 5pm Chaldean, 7pm Arabic, 9pm English, 11pm Chaldean. Christmas Day December 25 – 10am English, 11:30am Arabic, 1pm Chaldean. Please keep in mind that Sunday, December 26th is the 1st Sunday after Christmas and we are obligated to go to Mass Sunday as well. We will have our usual Sunday Mass times. 

Our weekly envelopes for 2022 are  available for pick up in the parish council office. Weekly envelope donations allow you to keep track of your donations throughout the year and are tax refundable. If you would like to register to be apart of the weekly envelopes to support your church please call or visit our Church office

Join Bishop Francis Kalabat on Thursday, February 10, 2022 for the 3rd Annual Bishop’s Dinner. For more information or to register, visit

We would like to ask you to keep the church clean at all times. Thank you