Halema Abed Sleman, Funeral Prayers Monday 10 am at St. Joseph Church.
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Basil Josegh Roadzrek (7th/Ankawa), Naseer Mosa Estefan (7th/Alkosh), Samer Patrus Polis (7th/London),Kamil Najim Bacal (7th),Khaton Mousa ALMarogie (7th),Matthew Same Daman(40th),Louis Dawood Jibona (40th),Ghalie Yalda Jallo (40th),Christopher Khither Savaya (40th),Esa Yalda Cholagh(40th),Afram Jajo Alsanatie (40th),Salima Battah Hubba (40th),Waseem kiryo Yousif Almargahie(40th)*Jamela Mansour Markos Almargahie(40th)Mekhaeel Alhozie (40th/Australia), Sabeha Hana Alkas Younan(40th),Misko Barkho Hannosh(40th),Nidal Sabri Hubba(40th),Fadhil Sadiq Yalda Salome (year), Margret Adem Youkhanna Alsate (year),Noriya Istefan and her Son Napelion Youkhanna Sana (year),Amera Majeed Saoor(year),Father Paul Bashi (year/France),Basam Habib Hummana (year).
We pray for Mahir Salmo and his wife Thaera for their 39 year’s marriage anniversary.
Every Wednesday we have confessions and adoration at 6pm and English Mass at 7pm
English Bible Study with Fr. Kevin will be meeting this Wednedsay after the 7pm Mass
Join us on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 25 to give thanks to God for the many blessings he has given us. We will have 2 Masses on Thanksgiving – English Mass at 8am and Chaldean/Arabic Mass at 10am
Join Bishop Francis Kalabat on Thursday, February 10, 2022 for the 3rd Annual Bishop’s Dinner—a benefit dinner for the Bishop’s Office, which supports our diocese, seminarians, priests, and parishes. Our night of celebration will take place at the Palazzo Grande on Ba’utha Thanksgiving (also known as Chaldean Thanksgiving) to give thanks to our Lord for all the blessings He has bestowed upon our diocese over the last 40 years. For more information or to register, visit