February 2, 2025*  

4th Sunday of Epiphany




    •  Afeel Mowafak Sabbagh (7)Bidoor Hanoosh (San Diego)(7) Jalal Yonan Shamon (7) Yousif Putris Mikha (Canada)(7) Nazeh Shamouel Murad (Alqosh) (7)

    • Magdouni Kalasho Yaldo(40th) Haleema Hermiz  Jybrael Youhana (40) Aneesa Dawood Nona (40) Najib Kasssa (40) Verjeen Hanna Zari (Toronto))(40) Sardar Slaiman Haidoo (40)

    • Samira Jajeeka Ghaleon (1yr) Munther Patrous (1yr) Khayria Kassab (1yr) Jezalla Kirma Bahoura (1yr) Adel Alkazir (1yr) Victoria Alsaoor (1yr)

  • We pray for Thafir & Fawzya for their 25th wedding anniversary. 

    • This friday is the first friday of the month mass will be at7am in english & 10am mass in Chaldean.

  •  All married couples join us for mass this Friday with Fr. Fawaz at 7 in the evening, mass will be in english.

  • Bautha schedule February 10 to 12. Everyday Chaldean prayers at 10am followed by Chaldean Mass at 11. Arabic prayers at 5:30 pm followed by Arabic mass at 6:30. English prayers 7:50 followed by English mass at 8:30. 

  • Our Chaldean Catholic Charities of America volunteers will be present after masses this Sunday. Please see them in the lobby.

  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.


Wadi Sokana & parents, siblings. Samara, ashley, najat, fatin family & friends all souls in purgatory, Sameer Mansoor, Kamilah Tobiah, zuhair shioo. Habib barbar, Georgia Barbar & families. Younis Gibrail Youhana. Issiet Gibraiel Youhana, Saleha & Nassier Gabriel Youhana. Candice yousif. Yalda awdisho. Jameela yousif. Margarit dawood. Jan Jabbar Georgees Mark Savaya. Special intention. Special intention. Special intention Adnan, LeAnn Maroki, Hayat & Adil Koja, Mukhles Kirma, Reem, Isaac, Shamasha Basil Eliyas, Lydia Eliya, 

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