We pray for Moufak & Nawal Putrus for their 50 years marriage anniversary
We pray for Adel & Nada Razook for their 50 years Marriage anniversary
We pray for Khalid & Marlene Rizkhala for their 32 years Marriage anniversary
Tuesday April 23 is the Feast of St. George 10 am mass in Chaldean & 7pm in Arabic.
All mothers are welcome to join Fr. John on Thursday April 25 for a faithful talk and brunch in the church’s basement!
Would like to ask you please not to clap during all masses.
Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.
Weekly Masses
Amira Mamou, Salim & Tawitha Kirma, Marco Yousif, Sana Dallo, Brandon Kalabat, The Shaouni & the Mammou family, Jessica Hana & Family intention, Najat Savaya, Saba Elias, Sami Nissan, Souls in Purgatory, Special Intention, Yelda Aboona & Parents, Sara Ello, Karima Yono, Khema Yono, Shamasha Shamaya and Warda Kalasho, Kalasho and Khami Family, Shamaya & Warda Kalasho, Zarifa Yono Dalal, Nadia & Elizabeth Terrn, Nooriah Yasso, Shamasha Basil Elia, Lydia Elia, Zarifa Yono Dalal, Nadia & Elizabeth Terrn, 2 Special Intention, Marcella special intention. Salim Hanoosh. Jessica Hanna & Nick konja. Mosa babbie. Maria Robin. Amer Jarbou. Taghrid yono. All souls in purgatory, family taking a trip, Special intention for Magdoline Brewart, Tony Brewart, Shamaya Kalasho and Salem Hallak. Naima Joja. special intentions. Khairy Toma, Sami Yacoub Toma, Jalal Yacoub Toma.