June 18 2023 4th Sun of Shleehe
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- (7 th) Shawki Younis Odish (7th) Shareef Shango (7th) Kamal Allos, (7)Khanne shamoon youkhana hana
- (1 Year) Nazar Adwar Damerici (1 year) Joyce Dabish
- We pray for (Nibras & Rita Hanna) for their 23 years of marriage.
- We pray for ( Hadeer & Rita Poliss) for their 25 years of marriage.
- Please mark your calendars for St. George Festival on Sunday, July 23rd, from 1-7 pm to sponsor the festival contact the festival committee at events@stgeorgechaldean.com
- Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
- Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.
Weekly Masses
Wadi Sokana, The Mamou Family, Amira Faouna, Saad Yono, Salim & Tawitha Kirma, Shamsha Yelda Aboona & Family, Shaba Nagarra & Wife Bezu and kids, Nasir Salim, Souad Salim, Souad Mezi, Lewis Oro, Adwwr fatoohi Elyas(father’s Day), Saleem Haba, Gorgees & Marosho haba, Kiryakos & Bejo Mikho, Ibrahim & Katrina Mona, Najeeb Mekho & Nejma Mekho, Hanna & Shmoni Mikha, Gorial & Raju Mekhu, Hermiz Mekho, Putris & Najiba Haba, Adil Koja, Shawkat Karoumy, korkis Hana & Thakaa, George gojcaj, korkis kashat & his family. Issa Owsajee & Naim Hana & Korkis Kashat, Najat Savaya, Monica Esho, Jalal Abona, luma Said Kajiji, special intentions (for healing) Kamal Allosh & Salin Bahora, Abed Bitto, Sabri Alsaoor, Hazim Nukooj, George Dawood Doha, Dawood Doha, Ilia Doha, Adil Aziz Kajy, Jameel Altoon Yaldo, Aziz Hana Kaji, Johny Aziz Kajy, Najeeb Altoon Yaldo. Sabah Petros Abro, George Yelda Abro, Yelda Israel Abro, khalid Foumia, Musa Babby, Putrus, Hermiz, Hana, Abbed, George, Masoud Kalasho, Shamaya Kalasho, Saleem Halak, Georgis Miskena, Elias Bakkal, Yousif, Dominic, Daniela, David, Shamasha Basil, Lydia Eliya, Jajjou Benu Shaba Alsaffar, Marco Yousif, Gabriella Lusia, Andrawis Polis, Shlemon Esho, Sabri & Najiba Hoba, Sabri Jurjis Hoba, Mary & Nithal, (Elias,Victoria, Saher, Basumi, Evleen, Barjes, Hala,Chris, Marium, Khayrea Savaya & Gabriella Loosya, Rena Balca & husband) Sick person, Mansour Sabbagh, Esho Tobia, Esho Hermiz, Mirza Ruban, Elishwa Hanna, Nanee Mirza, Shamshoon Mirza, Ayoob Mirza
- (7 th) Shawki Younis Odish (7th) Shareef Shango (7th) Kamal Allos, (7)Khanne shamoon youkhana hana