1 King 6:1-19 Hebrews 9: 16 -28 Matthew 22:41-23:22
Ruphail Karmo, funeral Mass tomorrow Monday at 10:00 am at Mother of God.
Shamasha Yacob Hermez, funeral Mass tomorrow Monday at 12:00 pm at Mother of God.
Najeba Abro, funeral Mass tomorrow Monday at 10:00 am at Mar Addai in Oak Park.
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Khayriya Hanna Disho (7th), Julie Hanna Kakos Yaldo(7th),Helanko Isa Karabet(7th), Randy Naamo (40th), Najie Tobia Kajie (40th),Cecil Weeda Yacoub (year).
We pray for Sarmad Meram and his wife May for their 25 year’s marriage anniversary.
~We will have a Mass on Thanksgiving Day at 10am in Chaldean and English.
~We have a new App for our church under (St George Chaldean) you can download it from your app store.
~On December 7th at 5:30pm, we will be having a meeting for the altar boys and girls. If your child wishes to begin serving or continue serving, they must attend this meeting. Only kids who have taken their communion or are currently enrolled in our communion program are eligible to serve.
~Yumutha and COF are hosting Cookies with Santa on December 21st from 1-4pm at Lifetime in Troy. Visit the church office to purchase tickets.
~We will have our Christmas and New Year party on December 28th at Palazzo Grande for more info call the church office. Representatives will be in the lobby today selling party tickets and raffle tickets for the party.