• July 30, 2023 * 3rd Sunday of Summer


       Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year

      •   Kamilla Kassab Nafso (7th) Fawzi Gabbara (7th)
      •   Emjad Faraj Hermiz Mezy (40) Salem Jirjis Meram (40th) Thomas Shahara (40th)
      •   Warina Toma Marogi (1 yr) Michael Odisho Hermiz (1 yr) 
      •   Lami Karrumi Funeral Monday 12 PM at Mother of God


      • Next Friday Abouna Fawaz will be celebrating mass for married couples Mass at 7pm.

      • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday there will be no masses in all the parishes because priests are going to be on retreat. Pray for our clergy. 

      • If you’re over the age of 17 & would like to volunteer or Teach communion or Catechism please visit the church website and fill out the volunteer form.

      • Join us August 9 at 7pm in the church for a meeting to help parents navigate through many of the issues in today’s society. This new mission, Families in Harmony, will help parents focus on Christ as the center of  each family. This meeting is for parents only. Hope to see you there.

      • Join our moms group Yumutha for a procession on August 17 at 6:00  

      • Catechism registrations are online only through the church’s website www.stgeorgechaldean.com for grades 1st-8th spots are limited.

      • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

      • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.


      Weekly Masses

      Muhannad Juzaf, Polis Kiti, Victoria Kiti, Talal Isam Hikmat Kiti, Elia Kiti, Duraid & Khalida KitiRaya Salim, Nasir Salim , Souad Mezy, Hana Mezy, Special intention, Amira faouna, Salim & Tawetha Kirma, Sana Dallo, Shamasha Basil Eliya, Lydia Elia, Kas Jubreail Hanina, Shammas Patrus Rayis, Warina & Reju Beka & family, Jarjis Hanina & Family, Special Intention, Kamil Souad Nani Wedou Phillis, Special Intention, In need of help, Special intention in home. Mary Matty & Ayoub. Khithir Salmo & Salma. Jefry Shalba,