3rd Sunday of Sobara by Steve Kassab | Dec 10, 2022 3rd Sunday of Sobara Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year * Mano Yousif Kisto (7th)* Toma Abo Yako (7th)* Evelyn Kasawa Kittie (7th)*Yakob Yousif Morry(40th)* Evelyn Nona (40th)* Jarjed Patrus Shimoo Hindia (40th)*Latifa Yousif Sitto(40th)*Kamel Faraj(year)* Zia Younan Khosho (year)* Fadie Sharrak (year)* Youkhanna Shamoon Sha’aya (year)*Kiryakos Shamoon Somo(year)*Anisa Sadiq Soro (year)*kamel Marogie Yaldo(year)*Mansour Putrus Sabagh(year)* Announcements- Our weekly envelopes for 2023 are available for pick up in the parish council office. Weekly envelope donations allow you to keep track of your donations throughout the year and are tax refundable. If you would like to register to be a part of the weekly envelopes to support your church, please call or visit our Church office Three16 boys middle school group will meet this Wednesday December 14 from 6:30-8:30 This Wednesday we will have our scriptural social our Bible study for 18 & Older from 7:30-9 This Friday we have Bible study at 7pm in Arabic Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors, you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord