February 25, 2024*  
2nd Sunday of Sawma Rabah

Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year

  • (7th) Munther Goria Zora. (7th) Salim Dawood Yaldo.(7th) Akram Shikur Salumi Jawhar(7th) Mazin Kammo Mikhana (7th) Dalaly Shammami Kattoula (7th)

  • (40th)Salim Jybrayel Harby. (40th) Rosa Habbo Sotter.(40th) Hayat yaldo. (40th) Nidhal Yatooma Yaldo. (40th) Gorgis Kako Jajou (40th) Joseph Younan (40th). 

  • (1yr) ٍSabria Gorgis Boutany. (1yr) Tameem Mona (1yr).Kamil Sabagh. (1yr) Adnan Asmer. (1yr) Bidoor Jameel (1 yr) Najiba Gaggo (1 yr) Ruke Ghalib Eshak. (1yr).Kamal Younis Malakha (1yr).

    We pray for Ezat & Suham Hannosh for their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
    We pray for Rafid & Nadia Sitto for their 27th Wedding Anniversary


  • Abouna Fawaz is calling all married couples for a lenten challenge this coming Friday March 1st, for Sacred Union Mass in English at 7pm in the Basement followed by the Stations of the Cross at 8pm in the church.

  • Every Friday during lent schedule, mass starts at 6:30 am in English followed by adoration from 7 to 10 am, then 10 am Chaldean mass followed by stations. And 5pm kids stations. 6:30 pm  Arabic stations and 8pm English Stations. 

  • Faith of our Fathers will be held on March 10 at Shelby Garden; for Tickets please visit the church website. This event is for father-like figures & their children to celebrate their faith.

  • Chaldean Convention registration is open to get more information, visit the website Chaldeanconvention.com

  • Calling all parishioners to Join our Parish’s official Telegram Channel to stay connected. 

  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.

Weekly Masses

Special intentions, Suad Diko & Wadie & Shafeek Romay. Toma Aboo Yaqoo, sick intention for healing. Nazae Krikor. Eddie Yousif Jora. Sami Sirania. Shamoon boutany, Bashar Ketto, Mariana, Mamou family, Amira Faouna, Lydia Elia, Shamasha Basil Elia,
Nasir Shaba Hendaya. 
