3rd  Sunday  of Qodasha Aita
  • Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
    • Elia Kako(7th), George Jirgees Apala (7th), Klelia Akrawi (7th/Canada)|,Anisa Putos Matti Hanona (40tht), Shawil Yousif Khoshaba(40th)   Shawil Gorial (40th| Iraq), Ledia Elia(40th),  *Badriya Binyamin toma(Year ) Shamoon yousif  shaba  (Year )),Zero Adam (Year maryam Hanna  (Year ). Jeo Gappy (Year ).  Jamel Mezie  (Year), Riyadh Nafso (Year ).

  • Announcement
    • This Wednesday join Yumutha at 9:30 am they will have breakfast & a talk with Fr. Kevin

    • This Friday at 7pm in the church basement Fr. Fawaz is presenting a talk in English about “grieving with faith”

    • Sunday November 20 Bishop Warda will be celebrating the Arabic mass at 10am.

    • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors, you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

    • Please keep the church clean at all times

    • Now we ask you to please silence your phones and let us prepare ourselves for the lord