Funeral mass for the late Nasreen thuwaini this Monday 10am at st.George church.
We pray for the late Qaisar Korkies Khoshaba who passed away in Australia.
(7) Nehaya Edwar Jarjis (Lebanon)(7th) Dalali Kamsho Abdaal (7th) Saeed Yaqoub Jajo (7th) Mary Shamoun (7)
(40) ghanem Kass Yonan (40) Adrian Audisho (40)
(1yr) Nazhat Romaya (1yr) Salha Mansoor Sadik (1 yr) Ameera Warda Dawood (1yr)
We pray for Ziad & Ikhlas Ibrahim for their 28 years wedding anniversary
We pray for Waleed & Fariyal Cindy for their 50 years wedding anniversary
This Friday is the first Friday of the month, we will have a 7am mass in english followed by adoration till 10 am Chaldean mass.
This Friday Fr. Fawaz will have a mass for all married couples at 7pm, mass will be in english.
Yumutha is hosting a kids Christmas event on Dec 1, at Rochester banquet tickets are available on yumuthas instagram page.
Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.