Numbers 7:1-10; 9:15-18 Hebrews 9:5B-15 John 2:12-22
Suhaila Yakoob Shaba, funeral Mass tomorrow Monday at 10:00 am at St.Joseph church.
Glades Shaker Yousif (7th/Sweden), tazia will be at St. Joseph Church 3-7.
Adeeb Abed Aljabar Hindi (7th/Kirkok), tazia will be at St. Joseph Church 3-7.
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Yousif Putros Sabbagh (40th), Sabria Marogie Mansour (year), Raimon Guly Junior (year),Sabria Battah (year).
We pray for Mayya Mansour and his wife Sara for their 45 year’s marriage anniversary.
George will have a Social gathering on Friday November 22nd at Sahara Restaurant on 16 and Dequindre. Doors open at 8pm. There is free admission and no tickets needed to attend. (Dishdasha attire) is encouraged. All proceeds will benefit our mothers group Yumutha.
Right to Life is collecting signatures in the Church lobby today after all Masses to ban dismemberment Abortion in the state. We encourage you all to sign the petition.
We will have our Christmas and New Year party on December 28th at Palazzo Grande for more info call the church office. Representatives will be in the lobby today selling party tickets and raffle tickets for the party.
On December 7th at 5:30 pm, we will be having a meeting for the altar boys and girls. If your child wishes to begin serving or continue serving, they must attend this meeting. Only kids who have taken their communion or are currently enrolled in our communion program are eligible to serve.