3rd Sunday of Elia
- Raad Shamaya Japaya Funeral prayers Monday at 10 Am at Mother of God Church.
- Margaret Sarkis Youno Funeral prayers Monday at 12 pm at Mother of God Church.
- Victoria Dawood Hormiz Yadko Funeral Prayers Monday at 10 Am at St Joseph.
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- Hanna Altony Dickho (7th), Treza Yousif Dano Kasha(7th/Mangishi), Asaad Ibraheem Ghazala (7th/ Canada(, Nadeem Yousif (year),Raheem Ishaq (year), Fouad Sito (year),Najat Sito (year),Ramzia Kato Heseno(year),George Paul Yousif (year),Shlemon Esho (year),
- We pray for Ramzi Kato and his wife Janan for their 47 year’s marriage anniversary.
- We pray for Shaker Hurmiz and his wife Evlen for their 45 year’s marriage anniversary.
- This Tuesday is the Feast of the Cross. We will have 3 Masses. 10am in Arabic, 5:30pm in English, and 7pm in Chaldean followed by a procession and fire.
- Join us this Wednesday for our weekly adoration and confessions at 6pm and English Mass at 7pm.
- We would like to ask you to keep the church clean at all times. Thank you
- Our Youth Groups will be starting again! If you are in High School please join us for DOC every Tuesday at 7pm starting September 21st. If you are a girl in Middle School please join us for COF every Thursday at 7pm starting September 23rd.
- Fr. Perrin will be on Wayne States Campus every Thursday for confessions at 12pm and Mass at 12:30pm. Feel free to join him at the new student center – Our Lady of the Rosary in Detroit.