April 14, 2024*  
3rd Sunday of Easter

Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year

Janet Yousif Younan (7th) Mary Jabiru (7th) Hameed Hanna Hermiz (Iraq) (7th) Daoud Yelda Dinkha (7th) salem Khemmoro (7th)

Munther Putrus Jarjis (40th) Mukhlus Jirges Kirma (40th) Reva Slew Agar (40th) Rana Ramzy issa (Australia) (40)

Amir Jarjees Haddo (1 yr) Lateef Kasawa (CA)(1 yr) Georgia Brikho (1 yr)

 Occasion this Sunday

We pray for Awnny & Maha Abouna for their 30 years marriage anniversary 


    • Tuesday April 23 is the Feast of St. George 10 am mass in Chaldean & 7pm in Arabic.

    • Our moms group yumutha is hosting a bowling family night on Friday April 26! Please check out their instagram for more information & to purchase tickets

    • Would like to ask you please not to clap during all masses. 

    • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

    • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.

Weekly Masses

Amira Mamou, Salim & Tawitha Kirma, Marco Yousif, Sana Dallo, Brandon Kalabat, The Shaouni & the Mammou family, Jessica Hana & Family intention, Najat Savaya, Saba Elias, Sami Nissan, Souls in Purgatory, Special Intention, Yelda Aboona & Parents, Sara Ello, Karima Yono, Khema Yono, Shamasha Shamaya and Warda Kalasho, Kalasho and Khami Family, Shamaya & Warda Kalasho, Zarifa Yono Dalal, Nadia & Elizabeth Terrn, Nooriah Yasso, Shamasha Basil Elia, Lydia Elia, Zarifa Yono Dalal, Nadia & Elizabeth Terrn, 2 Special Intention, Marcella special intention. Salim Hanoosh. Jessica Hanna & Nick konja. Mosa babbie. Maria Robin. Amer Jarbou. Taghrid yono.