3rd Sunday of Denha
January 22, 2023
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- Basam Kinaya (7th) Lewis Nissan Sawa (Chicago), Endo Abona,Khilood Orow Yatoma,Shoshi Tobia Gorgis Khammie,Jamel Zia Zaitona, Mansoure Shaker Zaitona, Anwar Esho (Chicago), Putrus Denha Shoka,Endo Abona, Shosh Tobiya Gorgies Khami, Mansor Shakir Zaytona (Jordan), Jamil Zaya Zaytona, Khilood Oro Yatooma, Najeeb Sliwa Margo ,Tobia sliwa margo.
- (40th) Zuhair Dawood Roumaya (California)
- (1 Year) Saad kirma,Najla majeed,
Saleem Tobia Konja funeral Prayers Monday 10 Oclock at Mother Of God Church.
- Our youth group programs start this week. Tuesday (Doc) high school kids 7-9 pm, Wednesday middle school boys’ group 6:30-8:30pm Thursday (COF)middle school girls 7-9
- Our moms group Yumutha will be having a prayer night this Thursday at 5:30 Eeryone is welcome to join them for a hour of prayer and fellowship to be followed.
- Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors, you may aso participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
- Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord