June 2, 2024*  
3rd Sunday of Apostles 


Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year

  •  Juliet Yaldo (7th) Maria Khoshaba (7th)sabah Noa Joja (Austria)(7th). 
  • Jalal Issa Koja (40th) Sabah Mousa Allos (40th) Noail Mousa Kado (40th) Hani Khalid Bayooth (40th) Hermiz Zora (40th) Behnam Matti Gewarges (40th) Laima Jowja (40th) Raad Ablahad Younan (40th) Sarah Putrus Jebbo Kasshanna (40th)

Occasions this Sunday:

We pray for Paulus & Samira Joseph for their 28 years marriage anniversary. 

  • This Friday is the feast of Sacred Heart mass at 7am English, 10am Arabic/ Chaldean, 7pm in English/ Chaldean

  • We will have an alter server meeting on Friday June 21 at 6pm.. All current servers as well as any children who wish to begin serving the altar  must attend this meeting. Only kids ages 12,13 or 14 may serve. Kids who will be turning 12 in 2024 may attend this meeting.

  • Join our moms group & Fr. John at River Bends park on Saturday June 8, for a Hike, Fellowship & prayer. To register, please visit the yumutha instagram

  • The annual parish festival is on Sunday July 28 ! please visit the church website for vendor or sponsor opportunities

  • We Would like to ask you please not to clap during all masses. 

  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.

Weekly Masses

Alina Ayar Hermiz Daniel Zora, Razoki Yousif Kesto, Special Intention, Holy Souls in purgatory,  Waseem Younan, Special Intention, Special Intention: Johnson Jajjo & family, James Jajjo & family, Randy Gammo & family, Sabien Gammo & family,