2nd Sunday of the Cross Sunday September 26
- Badrya Hormiz Shabo,prayers will be Monday 10am at St Joseph Church
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- Sabah Manoel Shamoon (7th/Canada), Jonathan Khaleel Bihnam (40th), Jason Najeeb Jarbo(40th) ,Samee Daood Rabaneetha(year), Gorgees Zia Alkas Shamoon (year), Sahar Sabah Almalikh(year).
- We pray for Waad Noman and his wife Ahlam Shaba for their 36 year’s marriage anniversary.
- Our Youth Groups have started again! If you are in High School please join us for DOC every Tuesday at 6:45pm. If you are a girl in Middle School please join us for COF every Thursday at 7pm.
- Join us this Wednesday for our weekly adoration and confessions at 6pm and English Mass at 7pm.
- Join your Chaldean priests this Thursday, September 30 for the Feast of St. Therese. There will be a special Mass celebrated at 7pm this Thursday at the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica on 12 Mile and Woodward.
- This Friday is the First Friday of the Month. Join us for English Mass at 7pm, Adoration from 8-10am, and Chaldean Mass at 10am.
- We challenge all men 18 and up to join us for our Men’s Group which will begin on Wednesday, October 6 after our 7pm Mass. Men’s Group will meet every other Wednesday in the basement.
- Join Yomotha on Tuesday October 26 for Trunk or Treat in the church parking Lot at 5