• OCTOBER 1, 2023* 2nd Sunday of The Cross, 5th Sunday of Elijah 

     Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year

    • (7th) Souad Jarjees (Canada)(7th) Sabah Oraha Khoshi (7th) Brahim Rayes(7th) Zuhaira Kashat Sitto(7th)

    • (40) Abdulahad Saco (40th) estiqlal Zaia shina(40) Ameer hanna zakariya

    • (1yr) RAZIQA THOMAS JABIRO (1yr) ESTIR KATO (1yr) Marta Matti Odisho (1 yr) Nassir Shaba Kandaya (1 yr)


    • To all married couples, join Fr. Fawaz for Mass on Friday the 6th at 7pm

    • By the order of Bishop Francis we have a second collection for the victims of the fire in Qaraqosh, the collections are by all exit doors. 

    • This Wednesday our adult bible study (18+) Scripture Social will be meeting after 7p.m. Mass. 

    • All youth groups have started and are a great way for our youth to encounter Jesus. High school group DOC on Tuesdays from 6:45-9p.m. Middle school boys Three16 on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30p.m Middle school girls CoF on Thursdays from 6:30-8:30p.m.

    • The mothers group of the chaldean diocese and the Enkwa Humanitarian committee will be doing a fundraiser to create a special needs program in Iraq, there will be a walk a thon Oct 8, next sunday with mass celebrated with Fr Fawas at 9:30 am @ Boulan park in Troy. sponsorship tickets/ contact the office.

    • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

    • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.


    Special intentions for a sick person. Manal Kalasho, Special intentions. Fouad & Najat Sitto & their parents. Taylor Tomia, Janet Rahim Hermiz, Mansour Sabbagh, Koga Odish Yaldo, Yousif Kilu, Therese Kilu, Louis Hana Kachal, Weedad-Special Inten.