2nd Sunday of Subara The Annunciation

Numbers 22:20-23:2 Colossians 4: 2-18 Luke 1:26-56

Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year

Jamel Shamaya Dabish (7th),Amera Asso Youno(7th), Joseph Bishara Kseri (year), Joseph Kammo Kanona (year),Yaze Younan (year),

-The Way Young Adult Group this Wednesday 12/11 confessions at 6pm and Mass at 7pm. After Mass we will be going through Unbound.

-St. George is hosting the first annual Christmas retreat and Christmas play on Friday 12/20 in English and Saturday 12/21 in Arabic at 7:30 pm

-We will have our Christmas and New Year party on December 28th at Palazzo Grande for more info call the church office. Representatives will be in the lobby today selling party tickets and raffle tickets for the party.

-The weekly envelopes for 2020 are ready to be picked up from the parish council office.