2nd   Sunday  of Sobara
Sameer Bahrie, Funeral Mass Tuesday 10am at St. George Church. 
Salima Konja Najjar, Funeral Mass Monday 12:00 Pm  at Mother of God Church.

Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Andrawis  Alyas  Kathawa (7th/France), Youshia Yako Dinkha(7th),  Khalid Joseph  Abbo (7th/Germany), Nasir Shammami (7th), Suhail Mansour Brekho (7th), Youhana Dawood Sitto(40th),Gillo Bihnam Yousif Sako (40th )Suaad Abro Poota (40th), Marko Yousif (year), Ramy Anwar Zora (year),Najeeb Hanna Barno(year),Basima Polis Jameel(year),
Our weekly envelopes for 2022 are  available for pick up in the parish council office. Weekly envelope donations allow you to keep track of your donations throughout the year and are tax refundable. If you would like to register to be apart of the weekly envelopes to support your church please call or visit our Church office

Join us this Wednesday to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception 10 am Mass in 
Chaldean and 5:30 in Arabic and 7:00 pm  in the evening English Mass . 

Join Bishop Francis Kalabat on Thursday, February 10, 2022 for the 3rd Annual Bishop’s Dinner—a benefit dinner for the Bishop’s Office, which supports our diocese, seminarians, priests, and parishes. Our night of celebration will take place at the Palazzo Grande on Ba’utha Thanksgiving (also known as Chaldean Thanksgiving) to give thanks to our Lord for all the blessings He has bestowed upon our diocese over the last 40 years. For more information or to register, visit chaldeanchurch.org.

We would like to ask you to keep the church clean at all times. Thank you