2nd Sunday of Sobara
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- Khalida Jihad Abdl Ahad (7th), Siya Bihnam Shaba (7th),Shamama Hana Shebo (7th), Elia Kako (40th),Buthana Karaano (40th Razika Tomas(40th),Ramzi Agobie Jameel (40th),Wadee Barash (year), Sabah Hanna Barno(year),Raad Ghazi Kamil (year), Sabah Hanna Barno(year),Evleen Aziz Ashaka (year), Esho Goro Hadad (year), Fareed Gharbe(year),Ameer yousif Kasha (year),Tawitha Habo (year),
- We pray for Nabel & Faeza Yaldo for their 53rd year Wedding anniversary.
- We pray for Nathim & Beatrice Haddad for their 55th year wedding Anniversary
- New Youth group Three16 boys’ middle school opening night this Wednesday December 7 from 6:30-8:30
- This Wednesday we will have our men’s group for 18 and older after our 7pm mass
- This Thursday is the feast of Immaculate conception. Chaldean and Arabic mass at 10am. English Mass at 5:30pm
- Our mom’s group Yumutha is having a Christmas event on December 11, please contact the church office for more information or purchase tickets through the yumutha Instagram
- Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors, you may aso participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
- Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord