Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- Durad Amer Shamoon (7th),Shukri Mikha Abona (7th), Katrina Oraha Polis Kasha (7th),Faris Hurmiz (7th), Ishak Gorgis (7th),Khalida Backal Khimorow(7th),Samera Askar Kachi Mansour (7th),Raad Kamil (40th),Riyadh Yousif Dinha (40th), Yohana Khoshaba (40th/canda),Barbara Ayob Mamo (40th),Baho Istefo Hurmiz (40th),Hurmiz Khammo Shmon(40th), Sa’adia Abdal Abro(year), Munaim Jamel Haio (year),
- We pray for Habib Rais and his wife Najiba for their 50 year’s marriage anniversary.
- Our Chaldean Priests will be on retreat this week. Please keep them in your prayers. Due to the clergy retreat we will not have our 10am Morning Mass on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday this week.
- Please join us Wednesday evening at 6pm for adoration and confessions and Mass in English at 7pm.
- Our Men’s Group will meet this Wednesday after the 7pm Mass. All men 18 and up are welcome to join us for fellowship, food, and a talk in our church basement after Wednesday’s Mass.
- We would like to challenge all of our parishioners this Lent to join us every Friday for an early morning Mass in English at 6:30am followed by adoration! Also every Friday of Lent we have Chaldean Mass at 10am followed by Stations of the Cross in Chaldean, 6pm Stations of the Cross in Arabic, and 7:30pm Stations of the Cross in English.
- Yumutha would like to invite all families and kids to join us every Thursday this Lent for a special stations of the cross for kids! We will begin our prayer of the stations at 5:30pm in the Church
- George Social is hosting another Sunday Night Social tonight after the 7:30pm Mass in the basement. All those 18 and up are welcome to join us for food, fellowship, and games.
- With us today is the Chaldean Charities of America. This effort consists of several organizations whose goal is to help our displaced people outside and inside of Iraq who are in need. Sponsoring a program on an annual basis is the best way to sustain this effort and meet these dire needs; however onetime donations are also accepted. If you feel called to contribute to this effort please see the volunteers in the lobby of the church after Mass.
- Please help us keep the Church clean at all times.
- We ask you to silence your phones and let us prepare ourselves for the Lord.