Mass Readings

1 Kings 8:10-29     Hebrews 8:1-9:10   Matthew12:1-21


Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year

  • Alias Mikael Saco(7th),Vergeen Yousif Abona(7th), Esam gorges Fala(7th), Katrina Hanna Gorgees(7th)* Sami JirjisBitto(7th), Jirgees Yacoub Yousif(7th),Sami Dawood Rabbanetha(7th), Remon Elias Ellia(7th), Simon Saad(40th/Chicago),Akram Jabori (40th),Andara Toma Hana (40th),Tawetha Nafso Sharak (40th), Raad Faraj Asmar(40th), Jamel Shamaya Dabish (year),




  • Join us this Wednesday for adoration and confessions at 6pm and English Mass at 7pm followed by the continuation of our English Bible Study with Fr. Kevin on the Book of Genesis. The Bible Study will begin at 8pm inside the Church.


  • 2021 Communion registrations have begun. You can find all the info to register on our Church’s website or on our App.


  • Registeration for online Catechism at has begun for 1st through 8th Grade. Catechsim Classes this year will consists of online videos which can be found on our YouTube page. Go to St. George’s website and click the Catechism tab to register.