April 7, 2024*  
2nd Sunday of Qayamta

Funeral mass arrangements for Arkan Mikha Karana 10 am Monday at St. Thomas Chaldean church.
Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year
      • Julia Aboo Najor (7th) iskander Jebrayel Shayaa (Iraq)(7th) Laith Kamil Duro Qijar (7)(Australia)
      • Sabah Jihad (40th) Ahlam Eliyas (40th) Victoria Shamoon Yaldo (40th) Victoria Alsaoor (40th) Batool Israel Osachi (40th)
      • Hawil Dishoo Goriyal (1 year) Yaqoo Binna (1 Year) Marvin Toma (1 year) Lateef Kasawa (CA) (1 yr)

 Occasion this Sunday

We pray for Habib & Nasreen Alqas Shamoon for their 50 years of marriage


  • Our moms group yumutha is hosting a bowling family night on Friday April 26! Please check out their instagram for more information & to purchase tickets
  • Our men’s group is meeting this wednesday after our 7pm mass all men 18 & older please us!
  • Would like to ask you please not to clap during masses. 
  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.

Weekly Masses

Ameera Fauna, Saleem & Tawetha Karma. Mario Yousif, Sanna Dally, Brandon Kalabat, the Shaouni & the Mammou family, Najat Savaya, Saba Elias, Sami Nissan, Souls in Purgatory, Special Intention, Yelda Aboona & Parents, Sara Ello, Karima Yono, Khema Yono, Shamasha Shamaya and Warda Kalasho.  Kalasho and Khami Family, Shamaya & Warda Kalasho, Zarifa Yono Dalal, Nadia & Elizabeth Terrn, Nooriah Yasso, Shamasha Basil Elia, Lydia Elia, Zarifa Yono Dalal, Nadia & Elizabeth Terrn, 2 Special Intention, Marco Yousif, Marcella special intention. Salim Hanoosh.