October 20, 2024*  

2nd Sunday of Moses


  • Funeral mass for the deceased Maria Gorial Shamoon on Monday 10 am at St. George

  • Ameel Jameel Savaya (7) Asmar Aziz  (7)
  • Jalal Gilyana Ghazala (40) Loreen Fisher (40)
  • Nather Najeeb Kako (1yr) shushan Oraha (1yr)


  • We pray for Salam & Alaa Cholagh for their 31 years anniversary 

  • This Friday October 25 Fr. Fawaz is inviting all of our families for a rosary prayer 
  • @ 7pm, followed by mass for peace in our country, our families & the world. Mass will be in mixed languages at 7pm.
  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.

Akram Shaouni & parents, Amira Mamou & parents, Manahal Kirma, Jessica Hanna, Sena Dallo, Marco Yousif, Salim & Tawetha Kirma, Brandon Kallabat, The Mamou Family, special intention, Elyas Michayel Sako, Hana Zia Zetouna. Candice yousif. Khalid bacall khemmoro Yono family. Salma yono, Bashar & Yaqoob Yono, Toma Abro, Shamasha Basil Eliya, Lydia Elai, Victoria & Zaya Zeer, Madelen Mezo.