January 14, 2024*
2nd Sunday of Epiphany

 Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year

      • (7th) Shmoney Pato Kahsa (7th) Talal Mansour Toma  (7th)(CA)

      Abid Khairo Ballo (CA)(7th) Youhanna Yelda Odisho (7th) Sonny Dawood Khubair (7th) Khami Shamon (7th)

      • (40th) Basil Mikhayel Hamme.(40th)
      • (1yr) Zuhair Saleem Najar (1yr) Mousa Mansoor Mansoor (1yr) 

      Khalood Orow Yatooma (1yr) Bassam Kenaya (1yr)

      • We pray for Jameel & Barbara Balius for their 47 years of marriage.


    • Fr. Fawaz is inviting all mothers this Monday at 7pm for a talk “ Why choose Jesus” in English in the church basement.

    • Ba’utha will be on January 22, 23 & 24 of this month. The same schedule is followed for each day Chaldean Prayers at 10am Mass to follow at 11am.. Arabic prayers 5:30pm mass to follow at 6:30 and English prayers 8pm and mass to follow at 8:30

    • Calling all parishioners to Join our Parish’s official Telegram Channel to stay connected on updates, parish announcements, live mass links, prayers and upcoming events.

    • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

    • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.

Weekly Masses

  • Hannie Habib. Maiqrale, Mnaiem. Yousif’s Family, Petros Habba, Najiba Habba, Samaria Hamika, Adil Manni, Basil Sawa, Georgis Sheena, Nouri Shaman, Adil Shaman, Nouriya Shaman Dabish, Taleb Adou,