September 10, 2023* 2nd Sunday of Elijah
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- Rivan Midhat Barbat (7th) Ramzey Saeed Hanoosh (CA)(7th). Khalida Tomina (7th). Farid Jamiel (7th). Misko Hermiz Tappo (7th). Alexander Daniel (7th).
- Nagham sabri safo (40th). Eswed Akrawi (40th). Salem Daoud Hannosh (40th).
Falah Mikhael Shafoo (40th)
- Jalal Abouna (1yr). Hameed Metti Hedo (Alqosh)(1yr). Sandy Yono (1yr). Basil Yousif Denha (1 yr).
- We pray for Shakir & Evleen Hermiz for their 47 years of marriage.
- We pray for Karim & Najat Kenya for their 50 years of marriage.
- This Thursday is the feast of the Cross, mass will be In chaldean at 10am & in Arabic at 7:30pm.
- We are happy to announce a new sodality for English speakers with sister Faustian, the sacred heart of Jesuse will meet this coming Friday @7pm in church basements. All English speakers are welcome to attend.
- Chaldean Catholic Charities of America are with us today. Please see the volunteers at the Church entrance after mass if you feel the calling to contribute
- Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
- Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.
Weekly Masses
poor souls of portigury. Hany & Francis Kama, Naima & Asofie mansour. Kamil kamchi, jonathan mscabo, jirjis & majid batti, ban sesi farida, pamela citan, lauri shaoony, Alysia Baydoon,belenda clark. Martin Awidish, nick kanja. Special intentions, Sabri & Birbara Bhuda, Isho & Shamme Tobia, Family Intention, The sick, Majid Sesi, Khalida Zoha. sha,masha Basil Elia & Ledia Elia. zaid kujalo &family.