ٍSeptember 24, 2023* 1st Sunday of The Cross 4th Sunday of Elijah
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- (7th) al kas polis Hanna Hozi (Iraq),(7th) madleen jadaan hesha.
- (40) Najeeba Daddo Yaldo (40th)Shamoon Brikho. (40th) Ekhlas Katto. (40th) Kamil Ishak Shikwana (Australia). (40th) munthir sulaqa khayo gorgie.
- (1yr) Anesa matti hannona (1yer). Badry karim qenaya. (1yr) faten sattam. (1yr) Basima Dallo Herfy (1 yr) Najeeba Mikha Kado (1yr)
We pray for Raymond & Katherine Keryou for 20th wedding Anniversary
- This wednesday is the first week of 316 for( Middle school Boys), dropping off at 6:30pm, & picking up at 8:30pm.
- Also this wednesday is the first week of Men’s Group, starting at 7:30pm.
- This thursday is the first week of COF( Circle Of Christ) for (Middle School Girls), Dropping off at 6:30pm, & Pick up 8:30pm
- Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
- Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.
Sabri & Birbara Bhuda, Isho & Shamme Tobia, Family Intention, The sick. Special intentions for a sick person, Manal Kalasho, Susan Kuve, Shaker Noh Yousif, Mansoor Putrus, Sophia Yousif Ishak, Fadia Savaya, Emyelda Bizy, Marseel, sandra, lourdes, Joseph, Special Intention. Mamer Mubaraka Garmo & family. Alfred Yousif. Shawkat Aljabi. Jamila Barbat. Anthony Orow. Sajid Orow
- (7th) al kas polis Hanna Hozi (Iraq),(7th) madleen jadaan hesha.