July 16, 2023 * 1st Sunday of Summer
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Funeral Mass Sharkia Samona Oro Monday at MOG 12
- Hurmiz Naeem Yono (Washington DC) (7th) Amira Bakko Haio (7th) Ieda Francis Hermiz
- Kamal Moosa Mosha Alloos (40th) Youhanna Hanna Mezy(40th)
- Muntasir Raheem Katu (1 Year) Saad Alharraq (1 Year) Nameer Mirza (1yr)
- Friday, July 21 is the feast of St. Charbel there will be 1 mass at 10:00 AM in all 3 languages
- Last call for Catechism & Communion registrations please visit the church’s website, spots are limited!
- The church festival will be Next Sunday July 23 from 1pm-7pm everyone joins us.
- St. George presents Families in Harmony. All parents join us on Wednesday August 9 in the church,
a group to help Christ be the center of each family.
- Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
- Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.
Weekly Masses
Salim Hawa & Saleem Ayar. Special intentions(family). Zaya younan khosho, Dinkha Zaya Younan. Special intention. Justin Kyrakousa. Goryal Hanna. Sick prayer, Isaac, Nabeel & Reem Koja, Christine, Adnan and Nashwan Kattola, the souls in purgatory, Ghanim Merza, Muhsin Zaytona