1 st Sunday of Subara
Genesis 17:1-27 Ephesians 5: 15-6:9 Luke 1:1-25
Jonathan Faleh Zetouna,funeral Mass Monday 10am Mother of God Church.
Hanna Elias Dero (/Canada), tazia will be at Mar Addia church in Oal park 2-6.
Sameer Asso Yatooma7th , tazia will be at Regency Manor 2-7.
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Magdoline Brewart (7th),Andrawis Toma Marogie (40th),Alnora Poules(40th), Gorgia Basho Zaytona (year).
We pray for Dhia Babi and his wife Enaam for their 37 year’s marriage anniversary.
We pray Sami Narso and his wife Naema for their 28 year’s marriage anniversary.
We pray for Saad Brikho and his wife Ikbal for their 25 year’s marriage anniversary.
We pray for Mark Mukhtar and his wife Nada for their 23 year’s marriage anniversary.
~We will not have a Mass tomorrow Monday and Tuesday.
~This Thursday and Friday are the 1st Thursday and Friday of the month.
~St. George is hosting the first annual Christmas play on 12/20 in English and 12/21 in Arabic at 7:30 pm
~We will have our Christmas and New Year party on December 28th at Palazzo Grande for more info call the church office. Representatives will be in the lobby today selling party tickets and raffle tickets for the party.
~The weekly envelopes for 2020 are ready to be picked up in the lobby.