
Sabah Putrus, prayers Monday 10 am at Mother of God Church. 

Youshia Yako DInkha (Australia).

Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year

Yagob Yousif Jamel(7th),  Esrael Dinha Hamandie(7th), Giliana Sito (7th), Warda Zia Allos  (7th/Karkook),Ghanema Eshoo Naoom(40th), Hamiya Hanna Oree (40th), Batool Jabiro (40th),  Amanoeel Dawood Shamoon and Polis Abed Alahad Dawood (year).Ismaeel Ebraheem Matti(year).Safar Rayan (year). Bremda Najor Habbo (year), Najeba Zaytona Kashat(year).


Our clergy will be on retreat this week so we will not be having our Morning Masses on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Please keep your priests in your prayers. 

Join us this Wednesday in the evening for confessions and adoration at 6pm and English Mass at 7pm. 

Soldiers of Christ Mens Group will be meeting this Wednedsay after the 7pm Mass in the basement for food, fellowship, a talk, and small groups. 

This Friday, December 3rd is the First Firday of the Month – the schedule for Friday is as follows: 7am English Mass, Adoration from 8 to 10am, 10am Chaldean Mass