1st    Sunday  of Qodasha Aita

Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Mathew Damman (7th), Louis Jouna Dawood (7th),Hano Ayob Akraya (7th), Fareed Zia Jameel(7th),Esa yalda Cholagh (7th),Sabeha Mattie Kas Younan (7th),Gilo Behnam Sako(7th),Ghanima Eshoo Naoom (7th),Haskiyal Mosa Hintia (40th),Michaeel Goriyal (40th),Ramzie Aziz Machina(year),Ghazala Machina (year)Wadeaa kas Shamoon Narra (year) ,Nazhat Nafso(year), Hanna Barho Aldarbone (year).

Join us this Wednesday for confessions and adoration at 6pm and English Mass at 7pm

This Wednesday after the 7pm Mass our Mens Group will meet in the basement for food, fellowship, a talk given by Fr. Perrin, and Small Groups. All men 18 and up please join us!

This Friday, November 5th is the First Friday of the Month. Our schedule for Friday is as follows – 7am English Mass, Adoration from 8-10am, 10am Chaldean Mass.

Bible Study in Arabic will begin every 7pm starting Friday, November 5th in the church with Abouna Fawaz on the book of revelation.