- Saad Agobi Sarhan, Prayers Monday 10 Am at Mother of God Church.
- Bianka Mary Kashat, Prayers Monday 12 pm at Mother of God Church.
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- Mansour Matti Mader (7th/Iraq), Frank Jamel pota(40th), Gorget Shina (40th),Mazin Mesho (40th),Sheren Binyamin (year),Jonathan Khalil Bihnam(year), Faris Kiryo (year).
- We pray for Emad Shamoon and his wife Ghada for their 30 year’s marriage anniversary.
- We have High School girls overnight retreat at our Church August 5-6th. Contact our church office for registration.
- Today is our parish festival from 3-8pm, please park in the BMW dealership, we will have food, drinks, music, desert and many raffle tickets.
- Sunday Collection baskets are available by all the Exit doors, you may also participate in the collection electronically on our website stgeorgechaldean.com
- Please help us keep the Church clean at all times.
- We ask you to silence your phones and let us prepare ourselves for the Lord.