January 12, 2025*  

1st Sunday of Epiphany


  • Funeral mass for the late Mary Sheena will be on Monday 10am at st. Joseph church.
  • We pray for the late NashHat Sami Khaleel who passed away in iraq. 

  • Kamila Bashi Kuza (7) Najeeba Razoky (7th) Karima Lucia Zoma (7) Naseem Asoufi (7)
  • Samria Boudagh Damman (40) Mazen Faraj Shathaya (40)Salah Mikha Ishaq Bashee(40)
  • Samira Mansour Mera (1yr)

  • Join our moms group on Monday January 20 at 7pm in the basement with Sister Cecilia.
  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com
  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.

Maqedoni Kalashoo Yaldoo.Wadi sokana & parents, siblings. Samara, ashley, najat, fatin family & friends all souls in purgatory. Saeed Jajo. nahida & hanna akrawi, jamal, abduahad, fibronia, killila , kamal akrawi. warina , Toma akrawi. ghazala , tobia atto. William, fouad & faris atto. Mark Savaya. Sabri & gorgis asmar & juleet asmar & Dr. qais asmer & layla asmer. najiba habba, Marvin Toma, Alkass Yohannan Choulagh, Afifa Katto, Esho Gowro, William Gowga, MAureen Hanna, Virgeen Zari, 

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