1st Sunday of Elijah (Eliya)
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Basil Dinha (7th)*Hamed Matti Hedo (7th)* Sa”ad Abed Alahad Dawood (jordan\7th), Dr,Benny Alkhoury(7th),Helo Jefo Koja (7th), Nahida Dabish(40th),Mazin Jameel Koda (40th),Waddie Sivanie Zaytona (40th )*Issa Jalal Koja(40th),Stefan Elias Damman(40th),Issa yalda (year),Dhia Elias Sako (year)*Khalid Saleem Najar((year)Michaeel Hanna Goriyal (year), philep Nisan (year).
- We pray for Shamasha Ramzi Kato and his wife Janan for their 48 year’s marriage anniversary.
- We prau for Bihnam Dawood and his wife Suham for their 32 year’s marriage anniversaries.
- September 14 is the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. We will be celebrating with Mass at 10am in Chaldean, 5:30pm in English and 7pm in Arabic and Chaldean.
- On Friday, September 30 at 6pm we will have an Altar Server meeting. Any kids who would like to begin serving as well as those who wish to continue serving must attend. Only kids aged 12, 13 and 14 are permitted to serve. Those who will be turning 12 in 2023 may attend the meeting.
- With us today are the Chaldean Catholic Charites from our Diocese, all donations go to the Refugees.
- Our parish is hosting Awake my Soul program on October 7th in Arabic and October 8th in English for more information and tickets please contact our parish office or ECRC
- Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors, you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at stgeorgechaldean.com
- Please keep the church clean at all times
- Now we ask you to please silence your phones and let us prepare ourselves for the Lord.